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请帮助因新型冠状病毒而受苦的人们恢复健康 。 请在新型冠状病毒全球广大流行期间支援食物和医疗用品。

이미지 제공: Annie Spratt

African leadership


이미지 제공: United Nations COVID-19 Response


Upon the virus’ pandemic spread, SafeTime has been sending shipments of protective gear on a near-daily basis to health facilities across the Korea and the world.

이미지 제공: mark chaves


Making sure the courage of health workers on the front lines is honored with meaningful support, and the people most at risk in this pandemic are cared for – regardless of politics, religion, or ability to pay.

이미지 제공: Hybrid


SafeTime working in overdrive to get protective gear and critical care medications to as many health workers as possible, as quickly as possible, with emergency deliveries leaving daily for medical facilities across the Korea

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